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All About Pumpkins

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is this pumpkin smooth or lumpy?
Which pumpkin is the widest?
Furthest to the left (1st Pumpkin)
Which pumpkin is the tallest?
Farthest to the right (3rd Pumpkin)
What is this stage of the pumpkin's life cycle?
Green pumpkin
What do you call pumpkins that have been carved for Halloween?
Can you eat pumpkins? If yes, what is one example?
Yes (pumpkin pie, roasted pumpkin seeds)
Is pumpkin a fruit or vegetable?
Fruit! It has seeds
What does the inside of a pumpkin feel like?
Slimy, like brains!
What do the tendrils and vines do for the pumpkin?
Wrap around objects/holds pumpkin in place
How do pumpkin seeds travel and get spread?
Animals eat pumpkins leaving seeds after digestion AND pumpkins can rot and seeds go into ground
Why do pumpkins have ribs?
To hold a row of seeds
What is this stage of the pumpkin life cycle?
Yellow flower
Are pumpkins living?
Yes! They need water, food, and sunlight to survive and grow
How many Jack-o-lanterns do you see?
12 Twelve
How do you know when the pumpkin is ready to be picked? (Last stage of life cycle)
When it is big and orange
What is the first stage of a pumpkin's life cycle?
Planting seeds
What season do pumpkins grow in?
Do pumpkins sink or float?
Name at least one part of the INSIDE of a pumpkin
Seeds/ Fibrous Strands/ Pulp
What is this part called?
Tendril OR Vine
What is this part called?
What is this part called?
Skin OR Ribs
What is this part called?