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Unscramble Sentences

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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seemed / the sight / by /scared / the girls / to be One of__
One of the girls seemed to be scared by the sight.
which / made / cake / she / delicious / tasted The _____.
The cake which she made tasted delicious.
to / how / know / to dance / don't / the music I ____
I don't know how to dance to the music.
told / there / at / was / 5 o'clock / to be Sam____
Sam was told to be there at 5 o'clock.
any / should / bus / arrive / minute The ____
The bus should arrive any minute.
excited / the / us / are / about / news All of___
All of us are excited about the news.
a ticket / me / bought / the concert / to He____
He bought me a ticket to the concert.
tell / you / who / me / is / the woman Can ____?
Can you tell me who the woman is?
the most / at school / has / popular / become / teacher He____
He has become the most popular teacher at school.
left / without / yesterday / a word / home / brother Mary's _____.
Mary's brother left home without a word yesterday.
you / ordered / the food / comes Here ____!
Here comes the food you ordered!
know / let / to see me / he wants / me / if Please ____.
Please let me know if he wants to see me.
of / excited / about / are / the students / the summer vacation All___
All of the students are excited about the summer vacation.
when / cooked / my homework / doing / dinner / my mother I was__
I was doing my homework when my mother cooked dinner.
stolen / found / that / your bike / was Have you___?
Have you found your bike that was stolen?
in / last / hurry / left / night / a They ____
They left in a hurry last night.
the most / in / is / girl / beautiful / this class Jenny ____.
jenny is the most beautiful girl in this class.
news / surprising / made / excited / me The ____
The surprising news made me excited.
drew / beautiful / which / is / Gabe The picture___
The picture which Gabe drew is beautiful.
an unhappy boy / that / cheer him up / no one / such / can He is ___
He is such an unhappy boy that no one can cheer him up.
the Sheraton Hotel / are / we / at Here___.
Here we are at the Sheraton Hotel.
spaghetti / tonight / is going to / make / for dinner Jane___
Jane is going to make spaghetti for dinner tonight.
take out / helped / next-door neighbor / me / the garbage My____.
My next-door neighbor helped me take out the garbage.
to spell / don't / the word / how / know I ____
I don't know how to spell the word.
the present / gave / you / like / I Do you__?
Do you like the present I gave you?
taste / enough / the / good / food Does___?
Does the food taste good enough?
to / a / every day / school / cell phone / carries Joe____
Joe carries a cell phone to school every day.
not allowed / in / to smoke / are / the theater We_____
We are not allowed to smoke in the theater/
not / asked / to / turn off / the TV / me Judy ___
Judy asked me not to turn off the TV.
baby / asleep / has / tired / just / fallen The____
The tired baby has just fallen asleep.
always / waste / online games / playing / your time / do you Why__?
Why do you always waste your time playing online games?
me / as / a computer / gave / my / birthday gift Mom ____
Mom gave me a computer as my birthday gift.
told / there / at / was / 5 o'clock / to be Sam ______
Sam was told to be there at 5 o'clock.
too / drink / water / hot / to / is The______
The water is too hot to drink.
turn / don't / off / it Please______
Please don't turn it off.
dinner / eating / when / called / was / you I_______
I was eating dinner when you called.
a concert / Saturday / be / this / will There _________
There will be a concert this Saturday.
brave / boy / is / he / a What ______!
What a brave boy he is!
such / everybody / that / likes it / a cute dog / is It_________
It is such a cute dog that everybody likes it.
to / invite / his friend / tonight / will / the party John__________
John will invite his friend to the party tonight.