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ADV2_8 - Culture

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(Vocab) Stay, continue.
(Vocab) Happening once every year
(Vocab) Things that people have and keep.
(Vocab) Mainly
(Vocab) Times when there is little or no rain.
(Vocab) All the things that you eat.
(Vocab) On a journey or trip, the place you want to get to.
(Vocab) places where on country ends and another begins
National borders
Which group has seen their lifestyle change?
The Tuareg (A) and The Shahsavan (B)
Which group moves from one country to another?
The Tuareg (A)
Which group sometimes creates villages?
Aborigines (C)
Which group speaks more than one language?
The Tuareg (A) and Aborigines (C)
Which group doesn't own many things?
Aborigines (C)
Which group only travels twice a year?
The Shahsavan (B)