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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We flied on an airplane from California to Texas
We flew on an airplane from California to Texas.
When I was three years old I can tie my shoe lace
When I was three years old I could tie my shoe lace
She talked to we
She talked to us
I am the taller of all the girls in my class
I am the tallest of all the girls in my class
There's too many traffic during rush hour.
There's too much traffic during rush hour.
I can't come. I having an appointment at 10
I can't come. I have an appointment at 10.
After the movie we gone to the cafe for a drink
After the movie we went to the cafe for a drink
I ate too many foods at the restaurant
I ate too much food at the restaurant
You liked the food?
Did you like the food?
Why  she didn't go to the party?
 Why didn't she go to the party?
Whom told you the story?
Who told you the story? 
Which hotel did you live in? 
Which hotel did you stay in? 
When did Elvis Presley died?
When did Elvis Presley die?
How many childrens were there? 
How many children were there? 
Where you from?
Where are you from?
When did her sister born?
When was her sister born?
Did he has a good time at the party?
 Did he have a good time at the party?
Did Maria drove to work this morning?
 Did Maria drive to work this morning?
I broken a glass and cut my finger
I broke a glass and cut my finger
When the movie started?
When did the movie start?