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Halloween Origins and Traditions

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Children in costumes go from house to house, asking for treats with the phrase "Trick or treat". What is the meaning of "TRICK"?
Usually, it means "prank"
Children in costumes go from house to house, asking for treats with the phrase "Trick or treat". What is the meaning of "TREAT"?
Usually, it means "candy"
What's this?
A haunted house
What's this?
A Jack-o-Lantern
What's this?
A ghost
What's this?
A mummy
What's this?
A vampire
What's this?
A skeleton
What's this?
A witch.
When is "All Hallows"?
November 1st.
Originally, the meaning of Halloween is "All Hallow's Eve". True or False?
When is Halloween?
October 31st.
People throw parties, watch horror movies, wear costumes and eat sweets on Halloween. True or False?
People wear costumes on Halloween to ward off ghosts. True or False?
Jack-o-Lanterns were originally made out of pumpkins. True or False?
False. They were made out of other root vegetables.
The British brought Halloween to America. True or False?
False. It was the Irish.
Halloween was originated in the Celtic civilization. True or False?