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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who's this?
Edward Jenner, inventor of vaccine
Who's this
Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone
Who's this?
Carl Benz, inventor of the car
Who are these?
The Wright brothers, inventors of the airplane
Who's this?
Mark Zuckerberg, inventor of facebook
Who's this?
Tim-Berners Lee, inventor of the internet
What's this zoomed object?
What's this zoomed object?
What's this zoomed object?
stop sign
What's this zoomed object?
What's this zoomed object?
What's this zoomed object?
What is it for?
That little arrow tells you which side of your car the fuel cap is located on.
What is it for?
The symbol tells you how long the product will stay good after it's been opened in months.
What is it for?
Basically, this tiny hole is a microphone
What is it for?
Candy manufacturers actually melt candy into that hole so the head of the lollipop stays attached to the stick rather than coming loose and falling off
What is it for?
It's a watch pocket, originally for men who wore pocket watches
What is it for?
French sailors used to wear hats with the pom-poms on them so they wouldn’t bang their head on the low ceilings of the ship
What's this?
finger protector for cutting
What's this?
avocado slicer
What's this?
baby cleaning mop romper
What's this?
egg separator
What's this?
inflatable car bed
What's this?
oven mitts