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Wh Questions for Thanksgiving

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What will the turkey eat?
(any reasonable answer)
What are they doing?
Knocking on a door.
What can you make to eat with a pumpkin?
A pumpkin pie!
What can you put on mashed potatoes?
gravy or butter
In what season is Thanksgiving?
When do you have pie?
after dinner
What happened?
Her food spilled.
Who is preparing the turkey?
a woman
Where are they eating for Thanksgiving?
They are eating outside.
Why is she cutting the turkey?
So the family can eat it.
What is the turkey doing?
Jumping on the pig!
What are the turkeys doing?
Going around in circles.
What does the turkey see?
A cooked turkey.
Where is the woman putting the turkey?
On the table.
What is she doing?
Getting the turkey out of the oven/carrying the turkey.
Where was the turkey?
In a bag.
Where is the turkey?
In a pot.
What is she wearing on her head?
A turkey!
Who is at the end of the line?
What is the turkey wearing?
A headband and shoes.