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Past Simple vs Present Perfect

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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COMPLETE THE VERB FORMS: Run / _______ / _______
Run / ran / run
COMPLETE THE VERB FORMS: Go / _______ / _______
Go / went / gone
ANSWER "NO": Did he walk the dog last Monday?
No, he didn't walk the dog last Monday.
ANSWER "NO": Did they take the subway last time?
No, they didn't take the subway last time.
ANSWER "NO": Have we gone to the supermarket?
No, we haven't gone to the supermarket.
ANSWER "NO": Has your mother given you money?
No, she hasn't given me money.
ANSWER "YES": Has he ran this morning?
Yes, he has ran this morning.
ANSWER "YES": Have you seen this movie?
Yes, I have seen this movie.
ANSWER "YES": Did they sleep a lot last night?
Yes, they sleept a lot last night.
ANSWER "YES": Did you go to your grandma's house last weekend?
Yes, I went to my grandma's house last weekend.
COMPLETE THE VERB FORMS: Take / _______ / _______
Take / took / taken
COMPLETE THE VERB FORMS: Eat / _______ / _______
Eat / ate / eaten
PRESENT PERFECT OR SIMPLE PAST: We didn't want to eat pizza yesterday.
Past simple
PRESENT PERFECT OR SIMPLE PAST: I didn't go to school last week because I was sick.
Past simple
PRESENT PERFECT OR SIMPLE PAST: Has she done her homework?
Present perfect
PRESENT PERFECT OR SIMPLE PAST: Have you been to the beach recently?
Present perfect