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Madrid, Spain has the most hotel rooms of any city in the world
False! Las Vegas!
The city of Monaco is smaller in size than Central Park in New York City.
Couples who travel together tend to have stronger relationships. Humans naturally bond when they need to trust one another in new situations and circumstances.
Guggenheim is the most visited museum in the world, with over nine million visitors annually.
False! Louvre!
"Hodophobia" is the fear of traveling or road traveling. The word "hodo" is Greek for "travel" or "road," and "phobia" is Greek for "fear."
An introvert is more likely to choose to travel to the mountains for vacation, while an extrovert is more likely to travel to the beach.
The United States is the most visited country in the world, with over 82 million international visitors per year.
False! France!
Every country in the European Union, by law, has at least six weeks of paid vacation.
False! Four weeks!
Because traveling pulls people out of their own cultural bubbles, their sense of connection with different people increases.
While losing a passport or missing a flight is stressful, on the whole, travelling has been scientifically proven to dramatically lower stress.
Women who have a holiday at least twice a year have a significantly higher risk of suffering a heart attack than those who travel every six years or so
False! Lower!
Traveling can improve problem solving skills and boost creativity. New sounds, smells, tastes, languages, and sights create new synapses in the brain.