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Chapter #50: Elizabeth now believed that a future with Darcy is impossible. Why did she think this?
She thinks that he would not join a family that includes Wickham as a member.
Chapter #49: Mr. Bennet received a letter stating that Wickham has been found. Who sent the letter?
Mr. Gardiner
Chapter #48: When Mr. Bennet decided to return home, he told a person that he feels guilty about the situation Lydia is going through. Who did he say that to?
Chapter 48: At this point in the reading, is Mr. Collins relieved or angry that Elizabeth rejected his marriage proposal?
Chapter #47: Who does Mrs. Bennet blame for the situation with her daughter Lydia?
Colonel Forster
Chapter #47: Who tried to convince Elizabeth that Wickham must want to marry Lydia?
Chapter #46: Complete the following -> Lydia escaped from Brighton with __________
Chapter #46: At the beginning of chapter Elizabeth receives two letters. Who sent them?