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Halloween Trivia

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Name all 4 ghostbusters
Peter Venkman, Egon Spengler, Ray Stantz, Winston Zeddemore
What is the most popular Halloween candy in America?
What is the name of the green ghost sidekick in Ghostbusters?
What are the names of the Adams family children
Pugsley and Wednesday
What holiday is celebrated on October 31st in Mexico?
Dia De los Muertos
What country is Dracula's castle located in?
Who was the author of the book, Frankenstein?
Marry Shelley
According to superstition, if you stare into a mirror at midnight on Halloween, what will you see?
Your future husband or wife
What famous magician died on Halloween day?
Harry Houdini
What two words make up the word: bonfire?
Bone and Fire
Halloween is the biggest holiday in the country. True or False?
False - it is Christmas
What did people use to make Jack o Lanterns before pumpkins?
Why did the Headless Horseman get a job?
He was trying to get ahead in life.
What do you call witches' sharing an apartment?
In the movie "Halloween Town" who is the Mayor?
In which country did Halloween originate?
Name the second most popular candy of Halloween?
Candy Corn
What did Cousin It from the Adams Family look like?
He was completely covered in long hair.
What is the name of the soccer-like game played on Broomsticks in Harry Potter?
What date is Halloween celebrated?
October 31st
What do people “bob” for on Halloween?
What color are candy corn? In what order are the colors?
Yellow, Orange and White
Is a pumpkin a fruit or a vegetable?
What is the name of the Skelton King in the movie "The Nightmare Before Christmas"?
Who are the three sisters in "Hocus Pocus"?
The Sanderson sisters