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Elementary Present Past Future

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A: What ____ your wife ____? B: She's a doctor.
What does your wife do?
Usually he _____ to work but he _____ public transport today, because his car is at the service station. (drive / use)
drives; is using
Where _____ you yesterday? (be)
Where were you ...?
_____ you ______ in a hurry tomorrow? (be)
Will you be in a hurry tomorrow?
Why ____ you always ____ (sleep) in front of the TV?
do you always sleep
When ___ you ___ (meet) your best friend the last time?
did you meet
How much money _________ your father ___________________ (earn) every month?
does your father earn
Walter ______ (go) to school last week.
I____(have) fun with my friends right now.
am having
I ____(have) a big living room in my flat now.
It’s hot here. I_______(to open ) the window.
will open
Why ____ (be) you here now?
Where _____ (be) you two days ago?
Yesterday we ______ (not/watch) birds.
didn't watch
Tom _________ (stay) at home this week
is staying
We ____ (not/celebrate) our anniversary next year.
won't celebrate
What ____ you ___(do) next year?
will you do
John usually_____( wear) suits but today he_____(wear) jeans.
wears, is wearing