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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Does Ben walk the dog? ---the passive:
Is the dog walked by Ben?
Thomas has written many books.---the passive:
Many books have been written by Thomas.
They have cleaned the clinic.---the passive:
The clinic has been cleaned by them.
(Choose so, such, such a, so much, so many) He put_____ salt that we couldn't eat it.
So much
(Choose so, such, such a, so much, so many) There was _____ bad weather that we had to stay home all day.
(Choose so, such, such a, so much, so many) When we arrived, John was there. It was_______ surprise.
Such a
(Choose so, such, such a, so much, so many) I have______ watches that I can't decide which one to wear.
So many
(Choose so, such, such a, so much, so many) It was____ expensive that we couldn't afford it.
_______ you come, please bring some dessert.(Use if/until/while/after/before or as soon as )
You set the table _______ I cook dinner.(Use if/until/while/after/before or as soon as)
Call me _____ you read this e-mail. It's urgent!(Use if/until/while/after/before or as soon as)
As soon as
He comes _______me. I go first.(Use if/until/while/after/before or as soon as)
I'm working _____ 10pm tonight. I'm gonna be so tired tomorrow.(Use if/until/while/after/before or as soon as )
I had never heard of that story________. (Use if/until/while/after/before or as soon as ).
We couldn't go into the concert because we ___________ (not/bring) our tickets.
Hadn't brought
You __________ (not/study) for the test, so you were very nervous.
Hadn't studied
We were late for the plane because we _________ (forget) our passports.
Had forgotten
Julie didn't arrive until after I ________ (leave).
Had left
When I arrived at the cinema, the film __________ (start).
Had started