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Adjective Order

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe this animal using at least 3 adjectives
Describe this watermelon using at least 3 adjectives
Complete the sentence: There are _______ _________ _______ fruits in my house.
Complete the sentence: There is a ______ _______ animal in my garden.
Complete the sentence: I have _________ ___________ friends.
Complete the sentence: I have ________ __________ _________ pop its.
Put this adjectives in the correct order: tiring, narrow, rectangular
tiring, narrow, rectangular
Put this adjectives in the correct order: delicious, two, triangular
two, delicious, triangular
Put this adjectives in the correct order: a few, circular, tasty
a few, tasty, circular
Put this adjectives in the correct order: red, great, modern
great, modern, red
Right or Wrong: My favourite unicorn is the funny, huge, colourful one
Right or Wrong: I hate small blue annoying birds
Right or Wrong: I have a beautiful big new family
Right or Wrong: I want a big fantastic red bike
Describe this watermelon using at least 3 adjectives
Describe this animal using at least 3 adjectives
Describe this person using at least 3 adjectives
Describe this object using at least 3 adjectives
Describe this place using at least 3 adjectives
In NOSASC, what does the C stand for?
In NOSASC, what does O stand for?
In NOSASC, what does N stand for?
In NOSASC, what does the A stand for?
In NOSASC, what does the second S stand for?
In NOSASC, what does the first S stand for?