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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This is my brother. What...
What is his name?
I cannot go to school today. Why...
Why can you not go to school today?
I can't open this. Can...
Can I help you?
We have no rice left. Can..
Can I buy some more?
English is really hard. Can...
Can I help you with it?
I watched a good movie yesterday. What..
What was the name of the movie? 
I like pizza. What...
What toppings do you like on your pizza? 
My mother  is sick. What ..
What's wrong with her? 
We ate dinner at the restaurant yesterday. What...
What did you eat? 
My son  just did something funny. What...
What did he do? 
My parents just told me that we are moving. Where...
Where are you going? 
My daughter is going on a school trip. Where...
Where is she going? 
We are having many people at our house this weekend. Why...
Why are you having so many people?
Tomorrow is my birthday! How..
How are you going to celebrate? 
I got a new dog. What...
What is his name?
I'm going out to eat. Where..
Where wil you go? 
I can't wait for tomorrow! What ...
What will you do tomorrow? 
I'm studying for a exam. What ...
What exam do you have? 
We just got back from vacation! Where...
Where did you go? 
I went shopping! Where..
Where did you go?Â