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Work Idioms

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you do a back-breaking work it means you are a white-collar worker.
FALSE - Needing a lot of hard, physical effort and making you feel extremely tired
In a win-win situation, you win double than the other side.
FALSE - It is a good situation for everyone involved
If you fall asleep behind the wheel you fail to perform your work duties.
If a company tests the waters it means they want to find out how well their new product will do on the market.
When your boss calls you on the carpet he/she is going to promote you.
FALSE - To criticise or reprimand
If you are a clock watcher you are very punctual.
FALSE - Someone who repeatedly looks to see what time it is in order to see how much longer they have to work
To crunch the numbers means to do some calculations.
To think outside the box means you are considering changing jobs.
FALSE - To think in a different, unconventional way.
If you have a lot on your plate it means you're busy and have got lots of things to deal with.
To get the boot means you are promoted to a higher position in the company.
FALSE - To be told to leave job or school
If you have a slave driver boss you have a very demanding and strict boss who makes you work harder and harder.
To do donkey work means you do hard and boring part of the job.
To work for peanuts means to work for very little money.
To put something on ice means to postpone something for a later date.
To put something on the back burner means to hide or destroy important information.
FALSE - It is temporarily not being dealt with or considered, especially because it is not urgent or important
To work like a dog means to work very slowly.
FALSE - To work very hard
A whistle blower is a person who reveals some confidential data.
To see eye to eye means to meet someone in person.
FALSE - To agree with someone else about something