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Name 5 Things

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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name 5 types of transportation. (not CAR)
car, bike, metro, plane, helicopter, scooter, motorcycle, tram, bus, taxi, ...
Name 5 items of clothing.
trousers, trainers, hat, shirt, skirt, t-shirt, blouse, dress, suit, ...
Name 3 things you can find in a kitchen.
plates, glasses, knives, forks, pots, pans, cupboards, a fridge, a microwave oven, an oven, ...
Name 3 musical instruments.
Name 3 types of music.
Classic, jazz, hip hop, blues, pop, rock, country, electronic, funk, reggae.
Name 3 vegetables.
cucumber, lettuce, onion, egg plant, carrot, ...
Name 3 things you have in your bedroom.
bed, pillow, blankets, toys, clothes, TV, chair, desk, computer, shoes.
Name 5 animals you can see in a zoo.
lion, elephant, giraffe, rhino, tiger, snake, ostrich, hippo, gorilla, zebra, panda, turtle.
Name 3 insects.
Ladybug, spider, ant, bee, fly, wasp, grasshoper, cricket, mosquito.
Name 5 activities you do every weekday.
brush my teeth, take a shower, eat breakfast, have classes, do homework, sweep the floor, make the bed, go to school.
Name 5 things you have in your schoolbag.
pencil, pen, colors, sharpener, ruler, notebook, book, drawing compass, eraser,
Name 5 members of the family.
mother, father, aunt, uncle, cousin, sister, brother, niece, nephew, grandma, grandpa.
Name 3 activities you can do on vacation.
Name 5 countries.
China, Japan, the USA, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, England, France, Italy, Egypt.
Name 5 sports.
volleyball, basketball, tennis, soccer, football, bike race, swimming, baseball, archery.
Name 5 jobs.
doctor, vet, teacher, astronaut, magician, gum buster, toy designer, water slide tester, stuntman, zookeper, park ranger.
Name 5 of your classmates.
Name 3 animals you can see underwater.
whale, shark, jellyfish, seahorse, dolphin, octopus, crab, starfish.
Name 3 things you can eat at McDonald's
Hamburgers, French fries (or chips), milkshake, ice cream, salad, nuggets, ...