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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I like ______ and love to take photos of interesting new buildings.
modern architecture
There’s a beautiful _____ between those two mountains.
Some people call insects _______
Spring is my favourite ____of the year.
I like cities with plenty of _______ to walk around in.
open spaces
The ______from all the cars makes it hard to breathe sometimes
I went to the_____today to see a doctor.
health centre
If you keep very still and quiet, you’ll be able to see lots of _________ here.
Let’s go and explore the _______ of the old castle – nobody has lived there for six hundred years!
It can be extremely dark at night in the countryside if there aren’t any_____
street lights
In some countries most buildings have __________because the weather is often very hot.
air conditioning
I like ______ and love to take photos of interesting new buildings.
modern architecture
The college has very good sports