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present simple vs. present continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Look! A squirrel ________ [be] on the tree!
Look! A squirrel is on the tree!
We _________ [chat] together now.
We are chatting together now.
my brother/talk/at the moment?
Is my brother talking at the moment?
How old/be/you?
How old are you?
Is he there?
you/watch/TV/now (present continuous)
Are you watching TV now?
Does she know you?
You/watch/TV? (present simple)
Do you watch TV?
My dad often ________ [ride] his bike after work.
My dad often rides his bike after work.
I never _____ [watch] this stupid TV show.
I never watch this stupid TV show.
I ____________ [not understand] you. Speak clearly, please.
I don't understand you. Speak clearly please.
I am ____________[not have] classes today.
I am not having classes today.
Stop talking! I ________ [study] at the moment!
Stop talking! I am studying at the moment!
Adam and his sister _______ [run] together sometimes.
Adam and his sister run together sometimes.
I ___________ [read] a book now.
I am reading a book now.
I _______ [read] books every day.
I read books every day.