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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where’s Paul? He ______ the guitar. (play)
Where ____they ______? (go)
Sorry, I can’t help you now. I ______(study) for an exam.
to the doctor / once a year / go / Peter
sometimes / go / to the cinema / she / at weekends
in Spain / it / very hot / usually / in the summer / be
have / some cereal / I / for breakfast / always
never / you / he / anything / give
Sally ___________(make) a chocolate cake for my birthday.
My friends_________(not be) interested in the new activities
We ______ (not see) him at school yesterday because he was ill.
When you were younger, ____you_____ (watch) horror films?
I ____(not enjoy) the party. It was very boring.
Paul ________(read) the article you gave him
He drives really dangerous / dangerously.
I finished the race easy / easily.
This bus is really slow / slowly.
Simon can run very quick / quickly.
Sarah dances beautiful / beautifully
Change to past: buy
Change to past: go
Change to past: make
Change to past: tell
Change to past: can
Change to past: take
Change to adverb: bad
Change to adverb: easy
Change to adverb: careful
Change to adverb: good
Change to adverb: quick
Change to adverb: happy
Do you think this dress is the skirt? (good)
This film is the film we saw last week. (bad)
My dad’s car is your dad’s. (old)
Action films are comedy films. (exciting)
The Maths exam is the Science exam. (easy)
Mary is Sheila. (tall)
Who is sleeping on the sofa?
In the evening
Whose bag is this?
I think it’s Dina’s.
I think it’s Dina
I think it’s Dinas.
I think it’s Dinas'.
Where are you going?
To the park
In the park
To home
How do you get to school?
I usually walk
in the morning
When do you do your homework?
In the evening
at home
in my room
with my friends
What are you watching?
A cartoon.
To the park.
I usually walk.
Do you (wake up) at the same time every day?
My dad (get up) at six every morning
We usually (have) dinner at 8 p.m.
Daniel (go) to bed early on Sunday
She (never / do) her homework in the morning.
I usually (have) lunch at 1 o’clock