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G7-Community Service

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Miss White (work)______ in Ha Noi from 2011 and 2014.
He (lose)____ his credit card. He can’t find it anywhere.
has lost
They have decided to clean up the neighbourhood ___ it is full of rubbish. A. so B. but C. although D. because
D. because
How many novels ____Charles Dickens ___? A. does - write B. have - written C. did - written D. did - write
D. did-write
Volunteering is special ____ me because I can help others. A. at B. for C. with D. to
d. to
My brother and I ___ a white tiger already. A. have seen B. has seen C. see D. are seeing
A. have seen
Volunteers can do general ____ such as clean-up projects or home repair. A. activities B. things C. labour D. jobs
C. labour
Americans _____ the tradition of volunteering and helping one another since the early days of the country. A. have had B. has had C. had D. to have
A. have had
Our school has a programme to ____children from poor families in Ho Chi Minh City. A. ask B. offer C. tutor D. volunteer
C. tutor
They have decided to ride to work____ it is good for their health and the environment. A. so B. but C. although D. because
D. because
Let’s help the sweet children because they have bad ____ A. live B. living conditions C. ways of life D. earnings
B. living conditions
15. Let’s collect and ___ warm clothes to homeless children in our city. A. give away B. give back C. take off D. put on
A. give away
Traditional volunteer activities include money for people in need, cooking and giving food. A. rising B. raising C. getting D. taking
B. raising
You should think of ____the volunteer activities in your community. A. taking in B. taking part in C. participating D. making
B. taking part in
I think we can help elderly people by_________
teaching them how to use smart phone or computer
I think we should help street children in our city because ______
they can live happier
I like to take part in volunteer work because I think _______
it will help other people live better
What can you do to help the community?
I do the volunteer work like cleaning the street, plant the trees, and keep the enviroment green.
Who works in Community Service? Give 5 examples
Police, Nurses, Volunteers, Teachers, Firefighter
What is community service?
Community Service is all the actions, activities that benefit community.
What is this community service?
donate money