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Songs by JaNemm

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Who wrote the song Boom Boom Pow ?
What is you favorite singer ?
Who wrote the song Let me love you ?
DJ Snake
'Cause I don't want to lose you/ Hey yeah, ratatata // What song are these lyrics from?
Beggin by Maneskin
What do you think is the most listened to most popular song right now?
Who wrote the song I took a pill in ibiza ?
Mike Posner
/다시 캄캄한 이곳에 light up the sky/ 네 두 눈을 보며, I'll kiss you goodbye // What song are these lyrics from?
How you like that  by  BLACKPİNK
Who wrote the song Money ?
Who wrote the song Harleys in Hawai ?
Katy Perry
I don't care / What they do / I just wanna / Be with you /// What song are these lyrics from?
Hometown smile by Bahjat
Who wrote the song Symphony ?
Clean Bandit ft. Zara Larsson
What is your favorite song ?
What is the song' s name ?
Umbrella by Rihanna
Come on boy , move that body / Cause this tonight I am naughty naughty / What song are these lyrics from?
Safari by Serena
Who wrote the song Rest your mind ?
Landon Austin
Who wrote the song Shy ?
Jai Waetford