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B2 Optimise Unit 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was the craziest excuse that you had to come up with in order for the teacher/ parents not to punish you?
Have you ever ended up watching a whole movie/ series that you disliked at first?
When was the last time you had to catch up with students from your class/group?
If you ever set up your own company, what would it be?
When was the last time you had to hurry up somewhere?
When was the last time you had to look up something on the Internet?
My friend Sue has jast started going to the gym and find it really challenging. (USED) My friend Sue .........going to the gym
is not used to
They didn't like it at first, but now the students don't mind wearing a school uniform (GOT) Eventually the students ..........uniform
got used to wearing
When I was at my previous school we usually made lots of fun experiments during our chemistry class. (WOULD) When I was at my previous school we ...... during our chemistry class
would make
The football players train hard. But it is ok for them after so many years. (ARE) The football players .... hard
are used to training hard
I used to .....when I was ten years old
play cards/ chess/ etc
Last year we all got used to .....
having online classes/ working from home/ etc
I am not used to ...... because
going to the gym, I am lazy
The thief ________________up to the house very quietly.
She has missed a lot of work so she needs to ______________up 
_______________ or you'll be late for work!
Hurry up
It was raining so we ______________ staying at home.
ended up
John ________________ a great idea to earn a lot of money
thought up
During the pandemic, I _______________ a small office in my room.
set up
The archeologists _____________ a Roman skeleton.
dug up
In a speaking exam you must ______________ so the examiner can hear you.
speak up
If you don't know what it means, ___________ it ________ in the dictionary.
look up
When you have finished university, you are a  ____________.
My university _______________ are very knowledgeable
When you are still studying  at university, you are an ___________________.
My driving ______________ teaches me how to drive well.
The basketball _____________ is very friendly.
They are _____________ an exam.
taking / sitting
She is ______________ for her exam.
They have ____________ the exam.
When I finished university, I will have a ______________ in medicine.
You need a _________________ to hire a car.
driving license
Interviewers look for the candidate with the right _________________.
When you have passed an exam you receive a ________________.