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English File File7B CAN, COULD, BE ABLE TO

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Dad (...) fix the washing machine, so my parents bought a new one.
Dad COULDN'T/ WASN'T ABLE TO fix the washing machine, so my parents bought a new one.
Laura (...) ride a horse since she was six years old.
Laura HAS BEEN ABLE TO ride a horse since she was six years old.
I spent hours looking for my wallet, but I (...) find it.
I spent hours looking for my wallet, but I COULDN'T find it.
If I got a pay rise, I (...) afford a new laptop.
If I got a pay rise, I COULD/WOULD BE ABLE TO afford a new laptop.
I might (...) leave work early on Friday.
I might BE ABLE TO leave work early on Friday.
I love (...) buy everything I need in the local shops.
I love BEING ABLE TO buy everything I need in the local shops.
Simon used to (...) play tennis quite well, but he’s hopeless now.
Simon used to BE ABLE TO play tennis quite well, but he’s hopeless now.
(...) you tell me where the nearest supermarket is, please?
CAN/COULD you tell me where the nearest supermarket is, please?
They (...) come to the conference because there weren’t any flights.
They COULDN'T/WEREN'T ABLE TO come to the conference because there weren’t any flights.
Daniel (...) speak French very well – nobody understands a word he says!
Daniel CAN'T speak French very well – nobody understands a word he says!
I (...) do my homework last night. It was too difficult.
I COULDN'T/WASN'T ABLE TO do my homework last night. It was too difficult.
Will I (...) change these batteries if they’re the wrong type?
Will I BE ABLE TO change these batteries if they’re the wrong type?