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Present Simple or Present Continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She _____ (live) in Madrid, but this month she _____ (live) in London.
lives / is living
I ______ (need) some coffee right now!
_____ you _____(go) to the cinema this weekend?
Are you going
I´m sorry, I ______ (not/know) the answer.
don´t know
A. What _____ you _____ (do)? B. I am cooking.
are you doing
A. What ____ you _____ (do)? B. I am a doctor.
do you do
She _______ (clean) the house every day.
He _______ (not / study) now, he _______ (watch) TV.
isn't studying / is watching
He _______ (not / go) to the park very often.
doesn't go
We _______ (go) to the cinema tomorrow.
are going
Look! The baby _______ (read) a book.
is reading
How often _______ he _______ (travel)?
does he travel
It _______ (not / rain) today, it´s sunny.
isn't raining
Take your umbrella, It _______ (rain).
is raining
He _______ (take) a salsa dancing class every Tuesday.
I'm sorry, I _______ (not / understand).
don't understand
The class _______ (begin) at 8:00 every day.
I _______ (stay) in Spain for two weeks this summer.
am staying
He _______ (study) at the moment.
is studying
_______ you _______ (like) sweets?
Do you like
It _______ (not / rain) here very often.
doesn't rain
We _______ (travel) to Michigan this summer.
are travelling
It _______ (be) cold in Michigan in the winter.
What _______ you _______ (do) this weekend?
are you doing
Where is John? _______ he _______ (sleep) ?
Is he sleeping
I _______ (not / usually / work) on Sundays, but I _______ (work) today.
don't usually work / am working
What time _______ you _______ (wake up) on weekdays?
do you wake up
My sister _______ (have) 4 children.
What _______ we _______ (have) for dinner tonight?
are we having
Homer _______ (take) a shower now.
is taking