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ESOL Mid Year Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was the last movie or TV show you saw?
I watched Friends.
What was the last household chore you did?
I washed the dishes. I did laundry.
What did you do yesterday?
I went to school. I studied English. I made dinner.
How did you feel on the first day of school?
I felt excited, scared, nervous...
What do you like to do in your free time?
I like to watch movies. I like to go out with my friends.
Who is your best friend? Where did you meet him or her?
My best friend is.../ I met him / her at...
Tell me about someone in your family.
My brother is 36 years old. He has short brown hair. He is organized. He likes to cook.
What adjectives can you use to describe this?
fun, scary, dizzy
What adjectives can you use to describe this?
funny, cute, fluffy, weird
What time do you go to bed on the weekend?
I go to bed at...
What do you usually buy at the supermarket?
I usually buy a gallon of milk, a dozen eggs, some chicken, some lettuce...
What was your favorite dessert when you were a child?
My favorite dessert was...
What do you like on your pizza?
I like pepperoni, olives, mushrooms....
What time did you wake up yesterday?
I woke up at...
How often do you go out to eat?
I go out to eat once a week/ month...
How was your weekend?
It was good, okay, relaxing, busy.
What did you do yesterday?
I went grocery shopping. I cooked dinner...
What do you do on Fridays?
Use the simple present tense for routines.
Use the present progressive tense to tell me what someone in your family is doing right now.
Example: My son is sitting in class.
What do you do on Mondays?
I... on Mondays. (Simple Present Tense- habits, routines)
What time do you leave for school?
I leave for school at ....
Where are the blueberries?
They're in the... They're next to the... They're below the..
Where's the chicken?
It's in the... It's next to the... It's above the...
Where is the avocado?
It's between the... It's next to the... It's above the... It's below the...