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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My mum * a lot of fitness classes at the local gym, but she likes * aerobics most of all.
attends, doing
I play to win - I * quite competitive and I'm never happier than when I've * an opponent.
am, beaten
Sorry, do you think you could * that, please?
I'm afraid I didn't quite * that.
What do you * by 'far-reaching'?
Is that something * lasagne?
Would you * saying that again?
Japan is a very (populated) country.
If Zoe's as (look) as her sister, she must be really beautiful!
It may be an interesting article, but it's not very (write).
I'm always (eye) until I've had some coffee.
Technology (improve) all the time.
is being improved
The Colosseum (build) by the Romans over ten years.
was built
Hans (show) around the college this morning.
is being shown OR was shown
A cure for cancer (not / discover) yet.
hasn't been discovered
The band's new song (not / release) until next month.
won't be released
Do you remember (teach) how to ride a bike as a child?
being taught
I can't (sell) the right battery - this one doesn't fit my tablet.
have been sold
No one wants (keep) waiting in a queue.
to be kept
Everyone expects her (award) an Oscar for her latest performance.
to be awarded
Use plenty of suncream to avoid (burn) by the sun.
being burn