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Fix The Sentence: Halloween Version

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who get to eat those delicious cupcakes?
Who GETS to eat those delicious cupcakes?
What kind of animal eating that pumpkin?
What kind of animal IS eating that pumpkin?
It raining all over those pumpkins.
It IS raining all over those pumpkins.
The dog so scared of that pumpkin!!
The dog IS so scared of that pumpkin!
What he going to do with that big pumpkin?
What IS he going to do with that big pumpkin?
How someone make that?
How did someone make that?
What he is looking at?
What IS HE looking at?
How he can fly?
How CAN HE fly?
Why he is running away?
Why IS HE running away?
How that dog keep that costume on?
How DOES that dog keep that costume on?
You are going trick or treating?
ARE YOU going trick or treating?
That costume look so real!!!
That costume LOOKS so real!
The dog wearing a really funny costume.
The dog IS wearing a really funny costume.
There is a lot of candy in that witch bag.
There is a lot of candy in that witch's bag.
One of the pumpkin is wearing a hat.
One of the pumpkinS is wearing a hat.
Three ducks riding on the witch's broom.
Three ducks ARE riding on the witch's broom.
That witch don't know how to dance very well.
That witch DOESN'T know how to dance very well.
The witch shoes are very pointy.
The witch'S shoes are very pointy.
The house look very spooky, especially at night.
The house LOOKS very spooky, especially at night.
The witch stir and stir her brew until it was all mixed up.
The witch STIRRED and STIRRED her brew until it was all mixed up.
The frog jump right out of the witch's brew.
The frog JUMPED rightout of the witch's brew.
The dog wings and magic wand fit her perfectly.
The dog'S wings and magic wand fit her perfectly.
All kinds of pumpkins is floating around in the sky.
All kinds of pumpkins ARE floating around in the sky.
They maked a spooky brew in the cauldron.
They MADE a spooky brew in the cauldron.
The ghost comed out of the little house.
The ghost CAME out of the little house.
The ghost mask is blue, and it says "boo."
The ghost'S mask is blue, and it says "boo."
The witch and her cat flied on the broom on Halloween night.
The witch and her cat FLEW on the broom on Halloween night.
The dog chase the trick or treater down the sidewalk.
The dog CHASED the trick or treater down the sidewalk.
The man with the pumpkin head making a funny face.
The man with the pumpkin head IS making a funny face.
Lucy and her friend kicking the leaves on their way to school.
Lucy and her friend ARE kicking the leaves on their way to school.
The dogs going trick or treating in their costumes.
The dogs ARE going trick or treating in their costumes.
The little kitten have a tiny witch hat and a scarf.
The little kitten HAS a tiny witch hat and a scarf.
All of them enjoying a halloween party.
All of them ARE enjoying a halloween party.
The ghost with the pumpkin head have a skateboard.
The ghost with the pumpkin head HAS a skateboard.
The cat peekted out of the pumpkin.
The cat PEEKED out of the pumpkin.
The skeleton twirl the pumpkin on his finger all the time.
The skeleton TWIRLS the pumpkin on his finger all the time.
What the skeleton is drinking?
What IS the skeleton drinking?
The dog pumpkin lantern is blinking.
The dog'S pumpkin lantern is blinking.
The pumpkin head man walking slowly.
The pumpkin head man IS walking slowly.
Four jack-o-lanterns is sitting on a fence.
Four jack-o-lanterns ARE sitting on a fence.