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Book 1 (2nd half)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you like doing on Fridays?
I like eating pizza on Fridays.
What time do you eat lunch?
I eat lunch at 12 o'clock.
What time is it? 7:53
It's seven minutes to eight.
What time is it? 5:46
It's fourteen minutes to six.
Correct: There aren't some people in the classroom.
There aren't any people in the classroom.
Correct: There isn't nothing on the table.
There is nothing on the table. / There isn't anything on the table.
Correct: This pencil is my.
This pencil is mine.
Correct: These books aren't your.
These books aren't yours.
Put in the negative form: She has got a passport.
She hasn't got a passport.
Put in the negative form: I have got a son.
I haven't got a son.
Complete: ___ she often ____ (drink) tea?
Does she often drink tea?
Complete: ___ they ____ (drink) coffee at the moment?
Are they drinking coffee at the moment?
Complete: ____ you ever ____ (eat) Chinese food?
Do you ever eat Chinese food?
Complete: ___ she _____ (eat) now?
Is she eating now?
Put the words in the right order: have / a / a / does / wife / man / married / ?
Does a married man have a wife?
Put the words in the right order: bread / she / does / brown / like / ?
Does she like brown bread?
Put the words in the right order: in / many / my / got / I / house / books / haven't
I haven't got many books in my house.
Put the words in the right order: now / not / I / anything / drinking / am
I am not drinking anything now.