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Count and Noncount Nouns

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There is (a little / a few) pizza left. Would you like ____? Is "pizza" C or NC in this sentence?
a little / some or any / NC
Would you like ___ orange? I have so (much / many).
an / many
Would you like ____ coffee? Is coffee C or NC?
some / any / NC
Would you like ____ cup of coffee? Is "cup" C or NC?
a / singular count
Would you like _____ ice cream? Is ice cream C or NC?
some / any / NC
I need (a few / a little) eggs. Do you have (any / much)?
a few / any
He doesn't have _____ time to go to the store today. Is "time" C or NC?
any / NC
We don't have ______ balloons for the party.
I am making two cakes for a birthday party. Is "cakes" C or NC in this sentence?
cakes- plural count
I'd like some cake, please. Is "cake" C or NC in this sentence?
There (is / are) (a lot of / many) homework today. Is homework C or NC?
is / a lot of / NC
There ( isn't / aren't) (some / any) cookies in the box.
aren't / any
There isn't / aren't some / any flour in the pantry.
isn't / any
We have (many / a lot of) homework. Is "homework" C or NC?
a lot of / NC
There is / are a lot of traffic in the evening. Is "traffic" C or NC?
is / NC
I have many / much almonds. Would you like ____?
many / some, any
After we go to the beach, there is (many / a lot of) sand in the car. Is "sand" C or NC?
a lot of / NC
My friend made me ___ cake. Would you like _____?
a / some
I can't buy ____ car now. I don't have (many/much) money.
a / much
There isn't (many/much) milk left. You can have a little.
There are much/many boxes of cereal.
I eat ___ apple for a snack.
I need to buy ____ rice. We don't have ____. Is "rice" C or NC?
some / any / NC
Would you like _____ bottle of water? Is "a bottle of water" count or NC?
a / count
Can I have ____ water, please? Is water count or noncount?
some / noncount
I am hungry! I want ___ pizza. Is pizza count or noncount in this sentence?
some / noncount