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TXP 3a, adverbs homework

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Correct the mistake: We can reflect on how wonderfully nature is.
We can reflect on how wonderful nature is.
Correct the mistake: We can seee how graceful butterflies fly around .
We can seee how gracefully butterflies fly around .
Correct the mistake: We feel cheerfully when we see our friends.
We feel cheerful when we see our friends.
Correct the mistake: The girls play soccer very good.
The girls play soccer very well.
Correct the mistake: And you have to do a lot of homework? Yes, I do.
And do you have to do a lot of homework? Yes, I do.
Correct the mistake: Do we have to turn off our phones? No, we haven't.
Do we have to turn off our phones? No, we don't.
Correct the mistake: Do you have to do your homework? Yes, I have.
Do you have to do your homework? Yes, I do.
Correct this statement: You don't have to feed the birds.
You can't feed the birds.
Correct this statement: You aren't allowed to stay away from the elephants.
You have to stay away from the elephants.
Correct this statement: Swans swim gracefuly.
Swans swim gracefully.
Correct this statement: The bird sings beautifuly.
The bird sings beautifully.
Correct this statement: The African gazelle runs fastly.
The African gazelle runs fast.
Correct this statement: Bees work really hardly.
Bees work really hard.
Correct this statement: David is stroking gently his horse.
David is stroking his horse gently.