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Singapore MRT Facts

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Marine Parade MRT station is now up and running. True of False?
There are some stations that we do not use in Singapore. These are known as _________________ stations.
Which MRT station has the longest escalator?
Bras Basah
Which MRT station was build over a Jewish cemetery?
Dhoby Ghaut and ______________ station was built over cemetaries.
Bishan or Novena
Eunos station is on the East-east Line. True of False?
Raffles Place is on the North-south Line. True of False?
The first MRT train arrived in Singapore by air. True or False?
False - It was by ship
Many of the MRT stations can also be used as _____________?
bomb shelters
If we add all the MRT tracks today – how long will it be in km?
216 km
Which government agency runs and manages the MRT?
Land Transport Authority
As of 2021, $150 million has been spent on building the MRT. True or False?
False - It is $150 billion
Why were some ministers and Singaporeans unhappy when the government wanted to build the MRT?
Land was needed from them
The government was afraid of starting the MRT project in Singapore in 1960 because ____________.
it was too expensive
Which MRT line was the first to open in 1987?
North-south Line
Chua Chu Kang was one of the first 5 MRT stations opened in Singapore. True or False?
False - It was Yio Chu Kang
How many MRT stations were opened in 1987?
In which year did the first MRT start moving?
In which year did planning for the MRT begin in Singapore?
MRT stands for ______________
Mass Rapid Transit