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Name the food and its origin in the picture.
Hotdog, USA / Germany
Name the food and its origin in the picture.
Jerk Chicken, Jamaica
Name the food and its origin in the picture.
Name the food and its origin in the picture.
Fish and chips, England
Name the food and its origin in the picture.
Roti, India
Name the food and its origin in the picture.
Crêpe, France
Name the food and its origin in the picture.
Taco, Mexico
If you freeze water, what do you get?
What is the color of an emerald?
How many legs does a spider have?
What is the name of the toy cowboy in Toy Story?
What was the name of Miley Cyrus's Disney character?
Hannah Montana
What is a baby goat called?
A kid
What three ingredients are typically used to make pancake batter?
Flour, eggs and milk
What is the largest muscle in the body?
The gluteus maximus, otherwise known as the buttocks
Who won the 2021 UEFA Champions League?
Which Korean Netflix show is currently making headlines around the world?
Squid Games