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GFI6 Chapter 3 imperfektikertaus

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Minä en tiennyt mitään.
I didn't know anything.
Miten sinä tiesit kaiken?
How did you know everything?
Me tiesimme kaiken.
We knew everything.
Hän ei nähnyt mitään.
He/she didn't see anything.
He näkivät kaiken.
They saw everything.
Missä hän tanssi?
Where did he/she dance?
Pelasitteko jalkapalloa?
Did you play football?
Milloin he pelasivat jalkapalloa?
When did they play football?
Me kävelimme kotiin.
We walked home.
Mitä he tekivät?
What did they do?
Teitkö kotiläksysi?
Did you do your homework?
Hän ei tehnyt mitään.
He/She didn't do anything.
Minä tein kaiken.
I did everything.
He menivät kotiin.
They went home.
Miten Coco meni kotiin?
How did Coco go home?
Me emme menneet elokuviin.
We didn't go to the movies.
Milloin tulitte kotiin?
When did you come home?
Chilli ja Salt eivät tulleet kotiin aikaisin.
Chilli and Salt didn't come home early.
Tulin kotiin aikaisin.
I came home early.
Coco ei juonut mehua.
Coco didn't drink juice.
Miksi joit mehua?
Why did you drink juice?
Joivatko he mehua?
Did they drink juice?
Hän joi mehua.
He/she drank juice.