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7th grade Vocabulary Quiz

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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By the time we left the park, we were ___________and had to go to McDonalds for some food.
The _____________ person is never late for anything.
The wait time for the new Rise of The Resistance is ________ 2 hours long.
His grandfather ___________ to America from Russia in 1898.
My family felt __________ when we received free Disney passes.
Our soccer team faced our biggest _________ during last week's tournament.
My brother is always late for everything because he ______ instead of hurrying to get ready.
The Star Wars fan was _____________ when he accidentally ended up at a Star Trek movie instead.
Telling me how to take care of a cat is ______ because I have a dog.
It is a ____________law to wear a seat belt.You could get a ticket if caught without one.
Because the restaurant was so crowded we came to the ________that we should order our meal to go.
dawdle-irrelevant-narrate- conclusion
During the movie, the kid in the seat next to me began to _________ the fight scene and his parents told him to be quiet.
Teachers can't show favorites in class, they have to be ______________
Gasoline can be ________ if the fumes are breathed in.
The student __________the answer to the math problem because he know how to do it.
estimated -acquired-opposed -narrated
Susan ________ her new car when her mom got a new one.
lost -wrecked-acquired -estimated