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Halloween riddles

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A vampire’s biggest fear, But a chef’s favorite ingredient. What is it?
Read me or write me, I’m good for a fright. I can be spooky but I’m best told at night. What am I?
A scary story.
What do the mummies, zombies, vampires, goblins and witches all have in common?
The letter “i”.
They call me Jack I have a head, but a body I lack What am I?
A Jack-O-Lantern.
One day a year I am decorated in style and am the center of attention even when you make me into a pie. What am I? .
A pumpkin
I am known to be bad luck when you see me in the dark and oh how I hate the rain but one thing is for sure you won’t hear me bark. What am I?
A black cat.
Sometimes in the dark when it’s late at night. I like to float around and give everyone a fright. I’m a shadow of the living, a specter of the dead. People often fear me when they are lying in their bed. I float, I wail, I go through walls,
A ghost.
Darkness, dust, cobwebs and creaking floors. Secrets, spirits, strange noises and occasional slamming doors. What am I?
A haunted house.
I protect, I stand tall my purpose is to strike fear in all. What am I?
A scarecrow.
If you’re able to solve this riddle You’ll have a clean sweep of answers that are right And a clean sweep is what you can do with this Or get on it to fly off into the night
I’m about 8 feet tall And have bolts in my neck I have powerful rage Better keep me in check
Frankenstein’s Monster
If you see this hairy creature Your first choice should always be to run Otherwise you had better hope You have silver bullets in a gun
In the center of this design Are several trapped little flies And heading in to eat them all Is a spider with bulging eyes
This body has no ears or tongue So he’s not able to use phones Tickling doesn’t work on him Because he’s only made of bones
If you see one flying around You’d better be careful at night As some turn into vampires And will give your neck a big bite
If you carve this out and then Stick in a candle light The result of this should be You give someone a fright
This common little arachnid An intricate web it does weave And when many people see one The room that they are in they leave!
If you see this flying around You might want to hit the deck And go and hide as best you can So it doesn’t bite your neck
The next answer that Should escape your lips Should be the creature Wrapped up in cloth strips