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The Great Gatsby - People in the Story

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He had a lover.
Tom Buchanan
He had an apartment in New York City.
Tom Buchanan
He was married to Daisy.
Tom Buchanan
She had a lover.
Myrtle Wilson
Her sister lived in New York.
Myrtle Wilson
She was married to a garage owner.
Myrtle Wilson
She had a friend named Jordan Baker.
Daisy Buchanan
She met Gatsby when she was only 18.
Daisy Buchanan
She married a very rich man.
Daisy Buchanan
She had a daughter.
Daisy Buchanan
He came from San Francisco.
Nick Carraway
He graduated from Yale University.
Nick Carraway
He worked in an office in New York
Nick Carraway
He loved Daisy very much.
Jay Gatsby
He had a yellow car.
Jay Gatsby
He said he studied in Oxford.
Jay Gatsby
He said he came from a very rich family.
Jay Gatsby