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Present Simple - Affirmative, Negative and Quest ...

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Nina / play / computer games. Make a question
Does Nina play computer games?
They / live / in the old house.  Make a question
Do they live in the old house?
Your teacher / check / your homework. Make a question
Does your teacher check your homework?
You / drink / mineral water. Make a question
Do you drink mineral water?
Billy / work / in the supermarket . Make a question
Does Billy work in the superkarket?
They / clean / the bathroom / every week. Make a question
Do they clean the bathroom every week?
You / speak / English.  Make a question
Do you speak English?
I speak Italian. Make it negative
I don't speak Italian.
She writes a letter every month. Make it negative
She doesn't write a letter every month.
My father makes breakfast. Make it negative
My father doesn't make breakfast.
Simon / have / two rabbits and five goldfish. Make a present simple sentence.
Simon has two rabbits and five goldfish.
Mr Smith /teach / Spanish and French. Make a present simple sentence.
Mr Smith teaches Spanish and French.
Pete and his sister (wash) the family car. Make a present simple sentence.
Pete and his sister wash the family car.
It (rain) on Sundays.
It rains on Sundays.
Emily (go) to the disco every Saturday.
Emily goes to the disco every Saturday.
We (read) books.
We read books.