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B1 Adults - Welcome Revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ubereats is a _________________ service for food.
Look at the picture what is this activity
do the ironing/ironing
When there are a lot fo people in one place (adjective?)
I need to find a job so that I can ______ enough money for a better car.
What is the opposite of borrow?
What is the opposite of receive?
Before I buy anything I go into the ___________ to see if the clothes look good.
changing / fitting rooms
Preposition: What do you think ___ Brexit?
Prepositions: I don´t spend much money ____ food.
sometimes I like to wear this when I go running. It´s so comfortable.
You put this around your neck when it´s cold.
Vocabulary: My little girl is so _________ around strangers. She gets nervous.
Vocabulary: I have such a good time with Michael. We do lots together. She´s so _____
Complete the sentence: I´ve been afraid of spider______ I was a child
First conditional: The tickets _____________(be) cheaper if she ___________(buy) them now.
will be / buys
Modals of necessity: You _________________ wear a uniform. You can wear whatever you like!
don´t have to/ don´t need to
comparative: She doesn´t drive _________________(fast) as her brother. Her brother drives _____________(fast)
as fast as / faster
Comparative: I am _____________(busy) today than most days.
Make a sentence: You´re late. They __________________(already/go) home.
have already gone
present perfect: __________________________ (James/speak) to Mr Jackson?
Has James spoken
Future form: Jonathan ____________________(leave) for his trip to Brazil tomorrow.
is leaving
Connect the sentence: This is the shop __________ sells amazing clothes!
which /that
Past simple/continuous: __________ they ___________(live) in Rome when they ________________(had) their baby?
Were they living / had
Past tense: We ___________(not arrive) on time because our car ____________(break) down.
didn´t arrive / broke
Order the sentence: come/ bus / to / you / by / work / did / ?
Did you come to work by bus?
Verb tense (-): Martha ___________________(not live) here at the moment.
isn´t living
Make the correct sentence: She ____________________ (never/be) ill.
She is never ill.
Verb tense/question: Where ________________________(you/go) yesterday?
did you go