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Book 3 (1st half) Ultimate Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete: It may ____ (rain) tomorrow.
It may rain tomorrow.
Change to Passive Voice: People spend too much money.
Too much money is spent.
Change to Passive Voice: People will protect the environment.
The environment will be protected.
Change to Passive Voice: Somebody has brought the cake.
The cake has been brought.
Change to Passive Voice: They are making some phone calls.
Some phone calls are being made.
Change to Passive Voice: They took the exams yesterday.
The exams were taken yesterday.
Complete: The children ____ (play) while their parents ____ (talk) at this time yesterday.
The children were playing while their parents were talking at this time yesterday.
Complete: I _____ (watch) TV when he ____ (call) me last night.
I was watching TV when he called me last night.
Complete: I ____ (share) the money with my family if I ___ (win) the lottery.
I would share the money with my family if I won the lottery.
Complete: If I ____ (not have) enough money, I ____ (not buy) a new car.
If I didn't have enough money, I wouldn't buy a new car.
We add flour if the sauce that we are making is too thin. True or False?
The verb forms of 'begin' are 'begin, began, begun'. True or False?
We kick the ball in basketball. True or False?
You are dry when you have a shower. True or False?
People smile when they feel pain. True or False?
The pronunciation of the word 'car' is the same in British and American English. True or False?
It is important to have a strategy if you want to win a war. True or False?
Shop assistants should always be ready to help customers. True or False?