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AS5_Unit 1_correct mistakes

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My mother _____ (help) the driver while we ____ (wait) for the ambulance
My mother helped the driver while we were waiting for the ambulance
I ______ (take) a lift when all the lights _____(go) out
I was taking a lift when all the lights went out
The teacher ________ (explain) a maths activity when we suddenly _____ (see) the smoke
The teacher was explaining a maths activity when we suddenly saw the smoke
Three million people _____ (sleep) when the power cut _____ (hit)
Three million people were sleeping when the power cut hit
When do you go to the hospital? When you have an.... (vocabulary)
What are the synonyms of the word: scared
terrified, frightened
What is the past form of the verb: stop
What is the past form of the verb: say
Your grandma ____ (arrive) while you _____ (watch) TV.
Your grandma arrived while you were watching TV.
I _____ (walk) into the bank while the men ____ (rob) it.
I walked into the bank while the men were robbing it.
What form of the verb is NOT correct: study, studies, studied, is studying, is studing
is studing
What is the past form of the verb: hit
What is the past form of the verb: hear
We _____ (study) in the library when we _______ (hear) the fire alarm.
We were studying in the library when we heard the fire alarm.
The car accident ______ (happen) while we ______ (rehearse) for the school play.
The car accident happened while we were rehearsing for the school play.
The smoke alarm suddenly ______ (ring) while my dad _____ (cook) dinner.
The smoke alarm suddenly rang while my dad was cooking dinner.