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harry potter

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are non-wizards called? (Cockels, Fofels, Dordels, Muggles)
Where does Harry live?
Number 4 Privet Drive
What is the name of  Harry's school? (Bogwall, Butterlake, Billgn, Hogwarts)
What is the snake house? (Gryffindor, Slytherin , Hufflepuff)
What is the lion house? (Gryffindor, Slitherin , Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw)
What is the eagle house? (Gryffindor, Slitherin , Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw)
Who is Draco Malfoy?
A boy from harry potter class
How many brothers and sisters does Ron Weasley have? (1, 9, 100,000, 6)
What is Harry's best friend's name? (Draco Malfoy, Hagrid, Ron Weasley)
Ron Weasley
What the name of Harry's second "protection from dark powers" teacher? (Taitl red, Gilderoy Lockhart, Dawn tile, Pitlore fait)
Gilderoy Lockhart
What shape is the scar on Harry Potter's forehead? (circle, lightning, skull)
How many books are in the Harry Potter series?
What is the name of the snake in Harry Potter 2?   (Smolik, Dawn, Tiloton, Basislik)
How do you destroy a Horcrux? 
You can destroy Horcruxes by stabbing them with anything imbued with Basilisk Venom ;  throwing them into Fiendfyrem ; the Killing Curse.
How many Voldemort horcruxes are there?  (3, 7, 80, 13)
How many heads does Flapy have? (7, 100, 3, 5)