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Animal Riddles _ Grade 1 - Science

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'm a wild animal from Australia. I can be very tall and I usually hop to move. I have a pouch in the front for my future babies (joeys).
a kangaroo
I'm a wild animal that lives on land and in water. I love cold weather. I'm black and white and I'm a diving lover. I also love to slide on the ice.
a penguin
I'm a wild animal. I'm pretty small and very slow. I usually slither on the floor with my house on my back.
a snail
I'm a wild animal and I'm a carnivore. I'm from the cat's family. Fun fact: I'm actually a very fast runner. No one can beat me!
a cheetah
I'm a wild animal that lives in trees. I love to eat bananas. I love to jump from tree to tree.
a monkey
I'm a wild animal that is green. I can live on land but also in water. I have a sticky tongue to catch flies and I hop to move around.
a frog
I'm a wild animal that has 8 legs. I can spin a web to trap and eat other animals.
a spider
I'm a domestic animal that lives in a farm. I can give people eggs. Teacher Nida is a really famous one.
a chicken
I'm an insect that can fly. I'm black and yellow and I can make honey.
a honeybee
I'm a wild animal that is a herbivore. I'm black and white and I look like a horse.
a zebra
I'm a small animal that like to eat cheese. Mickey is a famous one.
a mouse
It's a domestic animal that is an omnivore. I can be pink or black and I like to play in the mud.
a pig
I'm a wild animal and I'm a carnivore. I don't have a body so I need to slither to move around. I can be dangerous and venomous.
a snake
I'm a wild animal that eats plants. I'm big, gray and I've got a big trunk and a small tail.
an elephant
I'm a domestic animal that is an omnivore. I'm the human's best friend. I don't like cats and I can bark.
a dog
I'm a domestic animal and I'm a herbivore. I'm usually white or brown. I like to eat carrots and to hop in the grass.
a rabbit
I'm a wild animal that lives other animals. I'm called the King of the jungle. I like to chase zebras and I like to roar.
a lion
I'm a domestic animal that eats plants. It is usually black, brown or white. I give people my milk to drink.
a cow
I'm a water animal and I'm the biggest animal in the world.
a whale
I'm a wild animal that lives in Africa. I'm tall and I have a long neck that allows me to eat leaves on trees.
a giraffe