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Halloween Inference questions.riddles

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Sarah put on her long blue dress and tiara on her head. She made sure her glass slippers were ready to go. Who is she
Jack felt super cool this halloween. He had on shoulder pads and a jersey along with a big helmet. What was he?
a football player
Tanya was dressed all in black. She had gotten pretend fang teeth. When people answered the door when she was trick or treating she said, 'No blood just candy please." What is she?
a vampire
Paul had just grabbed his hat and bat. He looked in the mirror to be sure his sports uniform looked ok. What was he?
a baseball player
Anna was so excited to wear her sparkly pink dress. It had lots of glitter and ruffles. She also had pink sparkly wings. What was she?
a fairy
Pete was getting dressed in his fuzzy black and white spotted suit. He pinned on his tail and cute ears. He was practicing how to bark before he went out. What was his costume?
a dog
Tim got ready quickly. He found an old, white bed sheet and cut two holes for his eyes so he could see. What is his costume
a ghost
Candace put on her black dress with the long sleeves. She had painted her face green and borrowed a pointy hat and broom. What was her costume?
a witch
Dan put on his striped shirt and ripped pants. He made sure his eye patch was on right. He put his toy parrot on his shoulder and was ready to go. What's his costume?
a pirate
I wear a pointy hat. I ride on a broom. I have a black cat. Who am I?
a witch
I am orange. People carve silly or scary faces on me. People put a candle in me so you can see my face at night. Who am I?
A pumpkin.
I am green. I walk with my arms out. I have bolts in my neck. Who am I?
I am black. I have wings. I fly around at night. What am I?
a bat
I am a witch's friend. I have a tail. I say "meow". Who am I?
a black cat
You can see through me. I hang out in graveyards. I say "boo" Who am I?
a ghost
I am long. Some people use me to sweep the floors. Witches ride on me. What am I?
a broom
I am green. I hop. I say "ribbit". What am I?
a frog
I am sweet. There are lots of different kinds of me. Kids want to get lots of me on Halloween. What am I?
You carry me. I turn on and off. I help you see in the dark. What am I?
a flashlight
I am a scar place. People used to live in me. Ghost may live in me now. What am I?
haunted house
I am black. I am usually made of metal. Witches cook their brew in me. What am I?