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Non-verbal communication and emotions

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How is he feeling? How do you know?
Sad; crying, pouting
How is he feeling? How do you know?
Sad; pouting, head down
How is she feeling? How do you know?
Scared; eyes wide open, eyebrows raised, arms up in defense
How is he feeling? How do you know?
Surprised; eyes wide open, mouth open
How is she feeling? How do you know?
Sad; crying, pouting
How is she feeling? How do you know?
Happy; smiling, eyes narrow
How is he feeling? How do you know?
Happy; smiling, eyes narrow
How is he feeling? How do you know?
Scared; eyes wide, eyebrows raised, clenched fists
How is he feeling? How do you know?
Surprised; eyes wide, eyebrows raised, mouth open
How is she feeling? How do you know?
Happy; smiling, eyes narrow
How is she feeling? How do you know?
Scared; eyes wide open, eyebrows raised, biting nails
How is he feeling? How do you know?
Angry; eyebrows lowered, eyes glaring; teeth clench, fists clenched
How is he feeling? How do you know?
Surprised; eyes wide open, eyebrows raised, mouth open
How is he feeling? How do you know?
Angry; eyebrows lowered, yelling
How is she feeling? How do you know?
Sad; crying, pouting
How is he feeling? How do you know?
Surprised; eyes wide, eyebrows raised
How is she feeling? How do you know?
Happy; smiling, eyebrows raised, eyes narrow
How is he feeling? How do you know?
Angry; eyebrows lowered, yelling, clenched fist, eyes bulging
How is she feeling? How do you know?
Scared; eyes wide open, eyebrows raised, biting nails
How is she feeling? How do you know?
Angry; eyebrows lowered, nose scrunched, mouth frowning, arms crossed
How is he feeling? How do you know?
Sad; crying, frowning
How is she feeling? How do you know?
Surprised; mouth open, eyebrows arched up, eyes are wide open
How is she feeling? How do you know?
Angry; eyebrows lowered, mouth frowning, eyes glare
How is he feeling? How do you know?
Happy; smiling, eyebrows raised, eyes narrow