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Non Verbal Communication

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This man just completed a big project. How is he feeling?
Confident ... proud ... happy to be done.
How is this man feeling? Explain your answer...
He's either bored or concerned. His head is in his hand, his mouth is neutral or downturned.
Do you think this lady is angry or apologetic? Why?
Her hand is on her chest, her eyes look concerned, she looks sincere
What do you think this lady is 'saying' with her body?
I don't know
How do you think he's feeling? Why?
How do you think she's feeling? Why?
Happy; she's smiling
How do you think they're feeling? Why?
Okay; Happy; content
How do you think she is feeling? What do you think she is thinking?
Annoyed; possibly thinking "Whatever"
How do you think Annie feels about this conversation? What makes you say this? What should Annie do?
She is enjoying the conversation..She should look at Jeremy to "read" how he is feeling.
How do you think this conversation is going? What makes you think this?
Both people look interested
How is Jeremy feeling in this conversation? Why do you think that?
He looks bored. His face is resting on his hands and he's looking up at the ceiling.
How do you think Desiree is feeling right now? What do think she thinks about Rob?
She looks upset. Arms are crossed and her mouth is straight.
Mike (in the picture) is talking to Tyrone. How do you think Mike is feeling right now?
Bored; not impressed with the conversation; not having fun...etc
Amy is talking to Bill...How do you think she is feeling right now? Why?
Happy, interested in the conversation, etc.