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Strange Festivals

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What American festivity is this? a. Groundhog day b.Thanksgiving c. Burning man d. Kentucky Derby
Burning Man
Where is the Cheese Rolling Competition held every year? a. New Zealand b. Scotland c. Canada d. England
Where can you go to see the Underwater Music Festival? a. USA b. Jamaica c. Fiji d. New Zealand
Where can you compete in The Air Guitar World Championships? a. Belgium b. Finland c. Australia d. Egypt
Where can you attend the Cheung Chau Bun Festival? a. Taiwan b. Korea c. China d. Syria
The Bog Snorkelling Contest is held in which country? a. Canada b. USA c. Japan d. the UK
The UK (Wales)
The Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest is held in which country? a. Canada b. USA c. Japan d. the UK
The Duanwu Boat Festival is held in which country? a. China b. Korea c. Japan d. Thailand
The Keukenhof Flower Festival takes place in which country? a. Germany b. Denmark c. The Netherlands d. France
The Netherlands
The Lopburi Monkey Festival takes place in which country? a. Vietnam b. Laos c. Thailand d. Cambodia
The International Hair Freezing Contest takes place in which country? a. Russia b. USA c. Norway d. Canada
The Sapporo Ice Festival takes place in which country? a. China b. Mongolia c. Japan d. Korea
St. Patrick's Day celebrates which culture? a. English b. Irish c. French d. German
The Battle of the Oranges takes place in Ivrea in which country? a. Italy b. France c. Spain d. Portugal
Mardi Gras is celebrated in which US City: a. Los Angeles b. Buffalo c. New Orleans d. New York
New Orleans
Oktoberfest began in which country? a. Switzerland b. France c. Italy d. Germany
Dia de los Muertos is celebrated in which country? a. Mexico b. Panama c. Spain d. Argentina
What Brazilian festival is this? a. Mardi Gras b. Festa de Peao c. Carnival d. Cirio de Nazare
Fiesta de La Merce Castella is held in which Spanish city? a. Barcelona b. Madrid c. Valencia d. Sevilla
The Boryeong Mud Festival is held in which country? a. Japan b. Korea c. USA d. Russia
What Thai festival is this? a. Loi Krathong / b. Songkran / c. Diwali
What Indian festival is this? a. Holi / b. Dali / c. Puri