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American English Vocabulary: FASHION

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neutral colors
Color variations of black, white and gray
OOTD (abbreviation)
Outfit Of The Day
LBD (abbreviation)
Little Black Dress
clothes bought separately and can be mixed and matched (example: shirt and jeans)
the finished edge of fabric
the outline of a garment, the shape
retro style
Style from the recent past trends (example- 1970s denim shirts)
punk style
Style of clothes made popular by punk music--leather jackets, ripped jeans, metal chains, dark clothes
preppy style
Collegiate look -- polo shirts, chino brown pants, navy blazer, "preppy" clothes, argyle, tweed fabrics
peek-a-boo style
elements of fashion where parts of the body may be revealed (cut out sections or sheer fabric)
over size or baggy
clothing that fit loosely
style in which the color gradually goes from light to dark
fashion style that is understated, simple, plain colors
mass produced fashion
A fashion or style of clothing that is popular and made in large quantities
clothing worn around the house, like sweat pants
grunge fashion
Ripped jeans, layered casual clothes, black boots-- style made popular by people who like grunge music
fashion police
imaginary police force to enforce people dress fashionable (humorous)
a short-lived popular trend that fades quickly
Native or traditional clothing, cultural way to dress by a specific group of people
a group of clothing worn together (example: matching shirt, pants, shoes)
earth tones
color scheme that tend to have some brown but can be anything natural
distressed fabric
fabric that has been artificially aged or torn (like ripped jeans)
the area from the neck to the chest
contrast (in fashion)
contrasting colors are colors on the opposing section of the color wheel
up-to-date clothing, fashionable
a style thought to be timeless instead of trendy
cocktail dress code
Party wear-- suit for men, party dress for women
Pronounced "sheek"-- stylish, sophisticated.
the platform where models walk in a fashion show
casual wear
Everyday clothing, informal (jeans, t-shirts, shorts, etc.)
care label
a mandatory label found in all clothing which explains how to care for the fabric
cut of a garment
refers to the style and shape of the clothing and how it hangs when wearing it
capsule wardrobe
term for a collection of several basic, essential items of clothing
business casual dress code
clothing for a semi-formal event. Usually pants and button shirts for men, skirts and blouses for women. No jeans or formal suits
Bohemian style (Bo-ho)
Carefree, relaxed style of dressing that is influenced by the hippie or bohemian lifestyle. Decor is ecclectic and mixed.
boyfriend style
clothing designed for males but adapted for females (example-- boyfriend cut jeans)
a store or shop that typically sells unique items to a specific group of customers-- usually "high end" (expensive, quality)
flashy, expensive accessories like jewelry or designer bags
black tie event
the dress code for a fancy evening event. Generally a tuxedo, tie and formal shoes for men, and a long gown for women
One-sided, off-balance (may refer to a hemline in clothing or hairstyle where one side is longer than another)
clothes, clothing
art nouveau
a style that features intricate lines and curves based on nature
art deco
a style featuring geometric patterns, usually in colors of yellow, green, silver, black, and gold
accessory/ accessories
Refers to things added to an outfit to make it more fashionable (examples are shoes, hats, jewelry, scarves, gloves...)
a short coat -- outer wear
flip flops
shoes that has a Y strap between the toes
athletic shoes (for exercise usually)
a sweatshirt with a hood attached
handbag, purse
a small bag a woman uses to carry things when she goes out (money, keys, makeup, etc.)
active wear / sports wear
clothing designed for recreation or informal wear