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Halloween WH questions

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What do you call a very scary house?
Haunted house
Where do people keep the pumpkins?
outside their front door
Who goes trick or treating with you?
What is your favorite Halloween candy?
What do you put inside Jack-O-lanterns?
Who has fangs and a long cape?
A vampire.
Why do you need a flashlight at night?
Because it is dark.
What do we call a carved pumpkin?
What do you call the person who is meant to scare crows away? 
How many legs does a spider have? 
Where do bats live?
In the caves.
Where do we put the candy?
In a bag/bowl.
What do we say when we knock on the door?
Who rides on a broom?
A witch.
Who says “boo!”?
A ghost.
What does a spider make?
It makes a web.
What month is Halloween?