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3-part phrasals - Compact CAE unit 10

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you think it's important to s_________ ____ ____ what you believe in? (defend against criticism/attack)
stand up for
Do you ever forget to g_________ ____ ____ somebody when you say you will? (contact/ get in touch with)
get back to
Before you go on holiday, do you r_________ ____ ____ the places you can see there, or do you play it by ear? (get information about/ find out about)
read up on
When you do something bad, do you g_________ ____ ____ it or do you always get caught? (escape punishment)
get away with
Is there anything you always say you are going to do but you never g_________ ____ ____ ? (do sth you've intended to do)
get round to
Is there anything you always try to g_________ ____ ____ doing? (avoid doing sth you have to)
get out of
Is there anything you think you need to c_________ ____ ____ ? (reduce your consumption of)
cut down on
Do you ever f_________ ____ ____ friends/classmates/family? (have a big argument with/stop speaking to)
fall out with
If you were in charge of everything, Is there something that you would d_________ ____ ____ ? (abolish/ get rid of)
do away with
Why do you think people often find it difficult to s_________ ____ ____ to bullies? (defend themselves against)
stand up to
Is there anyone you know who is impossible to g_________ ____ ____ ? (to make them understand sth/get them to listen)
get through to
Is there any skill you think you need to b_________ ____ ____ ? (improve/polish)
brush up on
Does your boss/parents/anyone ever c_________ ____ ____ you? Does it annoy you when they do? (try to discover if you're doing what you should be doing)
check up on
What things can you just not p_________ ____ ____ ? (tolerate)
put up with
What's the most diffcult challenge you have ever c_________ ____ ____ ? (experience/be faced with)
come up against
Is there anyone that you really l_________ ____ ____ ? (admire)
look up to